Every weekend (and sometimes throughout the week), you'll find me listening to hound song of some sort. The "southern sound" that has echoed throughout the southeast for years. It's my mission to document these sports I love so that generations to come will understand this fascination we houndsmen/women have with taking to the woods with dogs of many types. It's been said we're the last of a dying breed, but I don't want that to be so.

Go back in time.

One day your dog is a puppy, full of life and mischief. In the blink of an eye his muzzle is greying and he isn't always the first at the gate when you back the truck up to the kennels anymore.

Dogs' lives, and in fact OUR lives, are short. Don't look back when your best hound has crossed the bridge and "wish you could remember." Photographs give us the ability to go back in time. To escape the world we're currently living in and almost hear that old Walker dog's locate, feel that show dog's head under our cheek after being handed that trophy we've coveted, to hear re-live the fun behind a tailgate full of birds shot over a treasured dog's back.

Let me help you travel back in time.

I'm a South Carolina dog photographer and freelance writer serving the Charleston, Summerville, and Columbia areas. I specialize in hunting dogs from bird dogs, to coon dogs, to foxhounds and beyond, as well as hound breed show dogs. Be sure to keep a watch on our social media accounts...I'm often at dog events throughout the state and southeast!

Published Writer & Photographer

I'm a Charleston dog photographer dedicated to telling the story of hound hunters in the southeast. I want people that aren't involved in these sports to see the very best parts of what we do-so we can continue to enjoy hound hunting as long as we're here on this Earth.

Long before I picked up a camera, I was a writer. You can find my words and images in Southern Hound Hunting magazine on a regular basis. Be sure to subscribe to this fantastic publication if you love hunting with dogs of any kind-there's something for everyone!

As a SC dog photographer specializing in show dogs and hunting hounds, my work has also been featured on the cover of The Chase magazine (home of the I.F.S.B.) and in various ads for top show dogs in the southeast. These ads have been featured in publications such as American Dog Fancier and the Canine Chronicle.

Click the links below to see my work!